Hair Relaxers Science, Design and Application by Patrick Obukowho

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Hair Relaxers: Science, Design, and Application investigates the history of relaxer technology. Drawing on his more than two decades of hands-on experience in hair relaxer technology and formulative development, Patrick Obukowho has crafted a well-defined, comprehensive, and quite readable guide to understanding and applying the chemistry of hair relaxers to practical and dynamic formulating.

The ethnic hair market is one that is growing exponentially almost strictly on the demand of consumers, as opposed to the usual run of what business's determine to be "necessary" new product launches. For that reason alone, hair relaxers, a large segment of the ethnic hair market, are big business in and of themselves. This segment is demanding better, more usable products, ones that have fewer harsh side-effects and better long-term results, including improved conditioning properties, hair strength retention, and ease of use.

Application and Development in topic:

Hair, Ethnic Hair, and Hair Relaxer Chemistry
History and Evolution of Hair Relaxers
Emulsion Design and Perfecting Emulsions
Ingredients and Their Role in Relaxer Formulations
Post-treatment Products and Alternative Straightening Methods

Table of contents:

Chapter1: Hair Chemistry
Chapter2: Ethnic Hair Chemistry
Chapter3: History and Evolution of Hair Relaxers
Chapter4: Hair Relaxer Chemistry
Chapter5: Hair Relaxers Defined and Refined
Chapter6: Relaxer Emulsion Design
Chapter7: Ingredients and Their Role in Relaxer Formulations
Chapter8: Relaxer Production: from Lab Batch to Scale-up
Chapter9: Controlling Hair Damage with Post-treatment Products
Chapter10: Alternative Methods of Hair Straightening
Glossary of Commonly Used Terms
Bibliography (Further Reading)

About the author:

Patrick Obukowho is president and principal consulting chemist of Advantage Research Lab (ARL), which he founded in 2005 to further his expertise in relaxer technology and explore the science of formulating and designing new ingredients for the ethnic market. Obukowho earned his Bachelor of Science in Chemistry from Chicago State University, and has since garnered more than twenty years of experience in ethnic product formulation and raw material evaluation. He began as a research chemist with Luster Products before joining Croda Inc., in 1994, first as an application specialist, then as research manager for personal care applications, and finally as executive program manager for ethnic product development before leaving to open ARL. His long history in developing ethnic products for the personal care industry has given him extensive experience and wide exposure both domestically and internationally. He is a member of the "Ask the expert" panel with the Society of Cosmetic Chemist (SCC), for which he has also conducted courses on Ethnic Product Formulation and Chemistry. He is furthermore a co-holder of several US patents and has numerous publications to his credit.

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