Soapmaking : Making Transparent and Natural liquid soaps By Catherine Failor

- All About Soap
- Knowing your Ingredients
- Equipment and Safety Precautions
- Making Transparent Soaps
- Transparent Soaps Recipes
- Dyes and Fragrances
Troubleshooting Transparent Soaps
Part II Making Natural Liquid Soaps
- Getting Started
- A Guide to Basic Techniques
- Formulating Blends
- Sumptuous Bath and Shower gels
- Premium Natural Shampoos
- Dyeing and Fragrancing
- Troubleshooting Liquid soaps
Metric Conversion Chart
Author :Catherine Failor has been making soap for more than 20 years. Her experience in graphic design and interest in science has enabled her to test hot-process soap making, a technique not usually accessible to the home soap maker. She has developed new ways to make colorful, scented soaps in the home kitchen, and shares them in her Storey books, Making Transparent Soap and Making Natural Liquid Soaps. Failor's entrepreneurial ventures include Copra Soap, a specialty soap manufacturing company, and her current venture, Milky Way Molds, producing the finest selection of craft molds in the Milky Way Galaxy