Modern Pharmaceutics Fifth Edition Two-Volume Set by Alexander T. Florence

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Modern Pharmaceutics
Fifth Edition
Two-Volume Set
by Alexander T. Florence

Modern Pharmaceutics is a completely updated edition with many new chapters that approach the role of pharmaceutics and its future paradigms in the design of medicines.

With the impact of biotechnology, gene therapy, and cell therapy, the core disciplines of pharmaceutics remain central. The editors argue that these become more important as the role of formulation personalized medicines becomes more acute.

New chapters:

  • pharmaceutical physics
  • the solid state
  • methods of in vivo imaging of dosage forms
  • personalized medicines that emphasize the theme of the application of basic pharmaceutical principles in modern therapeutics
  • The completely updated Fifth Edition brings together essential contributions from international thought leaders on:
    • solid state drug delivery
    • excipients, tablets, and aerosols (from physical chemistry to dosage form)
    • new evaluation techniques for pharmaceuticals (such as gamma scintigraphy)

    Volume 1


    1. Pharmaceutics: New Challenges, New Paradigms
    2. Principles of Drug Absorption
    3. Pharmacokinetics
    4. Factors Influencing Oral Drug Absorption and Drug Availability
    5. Effect of Route of Administration and Distribution on Drug Action
    6. In Vivo Imaging of Dosage Forms
    7. Chemical Kinetics and Drug Stability
    8. The Solid State
    9. Excipient Design and Characterization
    10. Preformulation
    11. Disperse Systems
    12. Surfactants
    13. Tablet Dosage Forms
    14. Hard- and Soft-Shell Capsules
    15. Parenteral Products
    Volume 2


    1. Time-Controlled Drug Delivery Systems
    2. Bioequivalence
    3. Cutaneous and Transdermal Delivery—Processes and Systems of Delivery
    4. Design and Evaluation of Ophthalmic Pharmaceutical Products
    5. Delivery of Drugs by the Pulmonary Route
    6. Pediatric and Geriatric Pharmaceutics and Formulation
    7. Biotechnology-Based Pharmaceuticals
    8. Veterinary Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms
    9. Target-Oriented Drug Delivery Systems
    10. New Imaging Methods for Dosage Form Characterization
    11. Aspects of Pharmaceutical Physics
    12. Pharmaceutical Aspects of Nanotechnology
    13. Dosage Forms for Personalized Medicine: From the Simple to the Complex

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