Essential Oils 1995-2000 , Volume 6 by Dr. Brian Lawrence
Volume 6 , By Dr. Brian Lawrence
Essential Oils 1995 2000 contains a cumulative record of information and data on the composition and origin of commercially important essential oils. Original review columns written by Brian Lawrence for Perfumer & Flavorist magazine have been compiled into one necessary reference book, complete with monographs on 114 essential oils.
This reference work is a review of the published literature from 1995 2000. For the more commonly encountered and studied oils such as pepper, ylang ylang, ginger, citronella, basil, rosemary, clove, lavender, geranium, orange and so on, data published before 1995 has been previously published. For the less commonly encountered oils such as cypress, pheobe, amyris, ambrette seed, Siberian fir needle, santonina, kewda, dwarf pine needle, ravensara, yuzu, buchu leaf and so on, the data contained within this volume is a cummary of most of the published literature on these oils. Also contained in this volume is the compositional data on oils and/or extracts of unique flavor raw materials such as witch hazel distillate, carole bean extract and the extracts of some florals such as jonquil, hyacinth, jasmine, champaca, narcissus and so on.
As with previous volumes, Volume 6 was compiled as a reference source of component information on oils that are used to compound flavors and fragrances for use in the wide range of consumer products and oils used in aromatherapy. It should also act as a reference source for scientists within industry, academia and government agencies on the composition of essential oils and extracts.