Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction to Orchid Conservation
Why Are Orchids Rare?
What this Book Means to Orchid Conservation
Chapter Outlines
Epilogue on the Future of Orchid Conservation
Chapter 2: In Situ Monitoring, Demographics, and Conservation Instruments
2.1 Background
2.2 Monitoring Methods
2.2.1 Permanent Pegs
2.2.2 Transect Method
2.2.3 Plot Method
2.2.4 Mapping and Recording Orchid Recruitment
Case Study 2.1
2.3 Essential Parameters in Demographic Studies
Case Study 2.2
Case Study 2.3
2.4 Photo Points as Tools in Monitoring
Case Study 2.4
2.5 Recovery Plans for Terrestrial Orchids
2.6 International Conservation Instruments
2.6.1 How the Red Listing Process Works
Chapter 3: Orchid Mycorrhizal Associations
3.1 Background
3.2 Orchid Mycorrhizal Dependency and Nutrition
Case Study 3.1
3.3 Identity and Specificity
Case Study 3.2
3.4 Achlorophyllous Orchids
3.5 Orchid Mycorrhizal Methods
3.6 Fungal Culture Isolations
3.6.1 Plant Material Collection
Procedure 3.1
3.6.2 Surface Sterilization
3.6.3 Isolation of Pelotons
Procedure 3.2
3.7 Mycorrhizal Culture Growth and Storage
Procedure 3.3
3.8 Media for Fungal Culture
Procedure 3.4
Procedure 3.5
Procedure 3.6
Procedure 3.7
Procedure 3.8
Procedure 3.9
Chapter 4: Orchid Seed Germination Techniques
4.1 Background
4.2 Mycorrhizal Fungi for Seed Germination of Terrestrial Orchids
4.3 Properties of Orchid Seeds
4.4 Hand Pollination for Seed Production
4.5 Seed Collection
Procedure 4.1
4.6 Sowing Mature Seed
Case Study 4.1
4.6.1 Seed Viability Staining
Procedure 4.2
Case Study 4.2
4.6.2 Sterilants
Case Study 4.3
4.6.3 Stages of Seed Germination
4.6.4 Seed sowing—Packet Method
Procedure 4.3
4.6.5 Seed Sowing—Syringe Method
Procedure 4.4
4.6.6 Seed Sowing—Direct Sterilization
Procedure 4.5
4.7 Sowing Techniques for Immature Seed
Procedure 4.6
Case Study 4.4
Chapter 5: Assessing Mycorrhiza in Soil
5.1 Background
5.2 Mycorrhizal Specificity in Soil
5.3 Recruitment Limitation
5.4 Distribution of Mycorrhiza in Soils
5.5 Niche Exploitation and Competition
5.6 In Situ Seed Baiting Methods
5.6.1 The Slide Frame Baiting Method
Procedure 5.1
Case Study 5.1
5.6.2 Nylon Mesh In Situ Seed Baiting
Procedure 5.2
5.6.3 Seed baiting for epiphytic orchids
Case Study 5.2
5.6.4 Seed Germination in Retrieved Soil
Procedure 5.3
Chapter 6: Orchid Culture for Conservation
6.1 Background
6.2 Symbiotic Orchid Propagation
6.3 Seedling Development
Case Study 6.1
6.4 Transfer to Soil Mix
6.4.1 Sand/Vermiculite over Agar Growth Containers
Procedure 6.1
6.5 Pot cultivation
6.5.1 Requirements for Growing Terrestrial Orchids
Case Study 6.2
6.5.2 Potting Mixes
6.5.3 Pasteurizing Potting Mixes
6.5.4 Growing Conditions
6.5.5 Disease and Pest Control
6.5.6 Repotting of Terrestrial Orchids
Procedure 6.2
6.6 Direct Seeding
6.6.1 Inoculating Potting Mix
Procedure 6.3
6.6.2 Mature Plants
Chapter 7: Herbaceous Terrestrial Orchid Translocation
7.1 Background
7.2 Requirements for Successful Orchid Translocation
7.3 Propagation for Translocation
Case Study 7.1
7.4 Assisted Migration
7.5 Framework for Translocation Projects
7.6 Restoring Habitats Suitable for Orchids
Case Study 7.2
7.7 Methods for Terrestrial Orchid Translocation
7.7.1 Out-planting Juvenile Herbaceous Terrestrial Orchids
Case Study 7.3
7.7.2 Out-planting by Tuber/Rhizome Transfer
7.7.3 In Situ Seed Sowing
Case Study 7.4
7.7.4 Transplanting Mature Wild Plants
7.8 Pre- and Post-translocation Surveying and Monitoring
Case Study 7.5
Chapter 8: Orchid Pollination
8.1 Background
8.2 Pollinator Limitation
8.2.1 Testing for Pollination Limitation
8.2.2 Resource Limitation
8.3 Pollination Strategies
8.3.1 Pollination by Reward (Food Advertisement)
8.3.2 Pollination by Deception
8.3.3 Food Deception
Case Study 8.1
8.3.4 Sexual Deception
Case Study 8.2
8.4 Pollinator Inferences in Conservation Planning
8.5 Pollinator Chemistry
Chapter 9: Genetic Techniques in Orchid Conservation
9.1 Background
9.2 Population Genetics
9.2.1 Principal Population Genetic Markers for Conservation
9.3 Molecular Phylogenetics/Systematics
Case Study 9.1
Case Study 9.2
9.4 Quantitative Genetics
9.5 Mycorrhizal Specificity in Orchid Populations
9.6 Considerations in Undertaking a Conservation Genetics Study
9.7 Scoring Molecular Data
9.8 Analysis of Data
Case Study 9.3
9.9 Technical Notes: DNA Extraction
Procedure 9.1
Procedure 9.2
9.9.1 DNA Extraction of Mycorrhizal Fungi
Chapter 10: Storage of Orchid Seed and Mycorrhiza
10.1 Background
10.2 Securing Collections of High Conservation Value
10.3 Seed Quality
10.4 Orchid Seedbanking
Case Study 10.1
10.5 Vouchering Specimens
10.6 Genetic Considerations in Seed Collection Programs
10.7 Living Collections as an Ex Situ Conservation Tool
Procedure 10.1
10.8 Long-term Storage of Orchid-mycorrhizal Fungi
Case Study 10.2
Procedure 10.2
10.9 Alginate Encapsulation of Orchid Seed and Fungus
Procedure 10.3
Chapter 11: References