Chirality in Transition Metal Chemistry: Molecules, Supramolecular Assemblies and Materials By Hani Amouri, Michel Gruselle, Derek Woollins (Series Editor), David A. Atwood (Series Editor), Robert H. Crabtree (Series Editor), Gerd Mayer (Series Editor)
Chirality in Transition Metal Chemistry: Molecules, Supramolecular Assemblies and Materials
Some reviews of Chirality in Transition Metal Chemistry
"...useful to students taking an advanced undergraduate course and particularly to postgraduates and academics undertaking research in the areas of chiral inorganic supramolecular complexes and materials." Chemistry World, August 2009
“…the book offers an extremely exciting new addition to the study of inorganic chemistry, and should be compulsory reading for students entering their final year of undergraduate studies or starting a Ph.D. in structural inorganic chemistry.”
Applied Organometallic Chemistry Volume 23, Issue 5, May 2009
“…In conclusion the book gives a wonderful overview of the topic. It is helpful for anyone entering the field through systematic and detailed introduction of basic information. It was time to publish a new and topical text book covering the important aspect of coordination chemistry. It builds bridges between Inorganic, organic and supramolecular chemistry. I can recommend the book to everybody who is interested in the chemistry of chiral coordination compounds .”
Angew. chem. Volume 48, Issue 18, April 2009
About the Series
Chirality in Transition Metal Chemistry is the latest addition to the Wiley Inorganic Chemistry Advanced Textbookseries. This series reflects the pivotal role of modern inorganic and physical chemistry in a whole range of emerging areas such as materials chemistry, green chemistry and bioinorganic chemistry, as well as providing a solid grounding in established areas such as solid state chemistry, coordination chemistry, main group chemistry and physical inorganic chemistry.
1. Introduction.
2. Chirality and Enantiomers.
2.1. Chirality.
2.2. Enantiomers and Racemic Compounds.
2.3. Absolute Configurations and System Descriptors.
2.4. Physical Properties of Enantiomers and Racemics.
2.5. Principles of Resolution and Preparation of Enantiomers.
2.6. Summary.
3. Some Examples of Chiral Organometallic Complexes and Asymmetric Catalysis.
3.1. Chirality at Metal Half-sandwich Compounds.
3.2. Chiral-at-metal Complexes in Organic Synthesis.
3.3. Asymmetric Catalysis by Chiral Complexes.
3.4. Summary.
4. Chiral Recognition in Organometallic and Coordination Compounds.
4.1. Octahedral Metal Complexes with Helical Chirality.
4.2. Chiral Recognition Using the Chiral Anion Strategy.
4.3. Brief Introduction to DNA Discrimination by Octahedral Polypyridyl Metal Complexes.
4.4. Summary.
5. Chirality in Supramolecular Coordination Compounds.
5.1. Self-assembly of Chiral Polynuclear Complexes from Achiral Building Units.
5.2. Chirality Transfer in Polynuclear Complexes: Enantioselective Synthesis.
5.3. Summary.
6. Chiral Enantiopure Molecular Materials.
6.1. General considerations.
6.2. Conductors.
6.3. Metallomesogens.
6.4. Porous Metalorganic Coordination Networks (MOCN).
6.5. Molecular Magnets.
6.6. Chiral Surfaces.
6.7. Summary.
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