Introduction to Perfumery, 2nd Ed. By Tony Curtis & David Williams

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By Tony Curtis and David G Williams


Second Edition, 2008

189 x 246 mm, 7.5" x 10"

Hardback, 800 pages

this book has become the standard reference work for perfumery students throughout the world. Intended as a first-year text, the book assumes no prior knowledge of perfumery. The authors provide integrated coverage of topics from raw materials to supermarket shelves, from science to creation, and through to marketing and business policy.

The power of fragrances to communicate is strongly emphasized and an explicit framework of odour vocabulary provided. Detailed discussion is included of the new product development process and the central role of the perfume brief. For this edition, all chapters have been revised, some considerably, and the book will be of great value to any writer or researcher wishing to consider any issues relating to fragranced products.

Tony Curtis, Principal Lecturer in Business Policy and International Business, Plymouth Business School, Plymouth University, has many years of experience in the aroma trades industry in research, development, production, application, creative perfumery, evaluations and marketing. He lectures on international business with special emphasis on the aroma trades.

The late David Williams was a consultant and author of books on essential oils. He taught and developed the teaching of perfume technology in both further and higher education, in industry and by distance learning.

"This will be a very useful tool for those looking for a comprehensive text on the business of perfumery."

Felix Buccelato, Perfumer & Flavorist, May 2002

"This book gives a good overview of the perfumery industry and the materials and techniques used in the creation and manufacture of perfumes. The book is good for those interested in an academic style of training and a must read for those thinking of starting their own business in the field of perfumery. It explains the basic chemistry considerations of aroma chemicals in an easy to read and understand way and is good for those without a chemistry background."

From a review of the 1st edition, published on the web site of Perfumers World

...Intended as a first-year university text, (it) provides information on aspects of the business of perfumery, from the properties of the materials used to the techniques used to market the finished fragrances. ....

I firmly believe this is the best text book anyone can buy who wants to know about the perfumery industry.... it is highly recommended.... this book has been a great help to me throughout my university course in perfumery...


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