Formulation Technology: Emulsions, Suspensions, Solid Forms By Hans Mollet, Arnold Grubenmann, Helen Payne (Translator)

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Formulation Technology: Emulsions, Suspensions, Solid Forms

Hans Mollet, Arnold Grubenmann, Helen Payne (Translator)
445 pages
November 2008
Many chemical substances or compounds - organic or inorganic, natural or synthetic - are not used in their pure form. In order for the active ingredient to be most effective or to obtain the ideal delivery form for the market, the actual synthesis and purification steps are followed by formulation to give end products that range from powders, agglomerates, and granules to suspensions, emulsions, microemulsions, microcapsules, instant preparations, liposomes, and tablets.

Formulation combines colloid and surface chemistry with chemical process engineering; sometimes it consists of a simple mixing operation, sometimes it requires an entire series of rather complicated engineering procedures such as comminution, dispersion, emulsification, agglomeration or drying.

This book covers basic physico-chemical theory as well as its applications in the chemical industry for the production of pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, pigments and dyes, food, detergents, cosmetics and many other products; it also provides chemists and chemical engineers with the necessary practical tools for the understanding of the structure/ activity relationship.
Colloids, Phases, Interfaces
Emulsions -
Properties and Production
Microemulsions, Vesicles and Liposomes
Production and Properties of Colloid Suspensions and Dispersions
Solubility Parameters
Solubility, Crystallization
Purification, Detergency
Pharmaceutical Technology
Food Formulations
Pigments and Dyes
"Die Publikationen ... sind auf vorbehaltlos positive Resonanz gestoßen! Zu dieser Thematik habe auch ich bisher nichts Vergleichbares auf dem Buchmarkt finden können - sowohl für Wissenschaftler als auch "Laien" ein verständlich geschriebenes und aussagekräftiges Buch, das man nur weiterempfehlen kann."Kristina Hamann, Scientific Library, Beiersdorf AG

"...I see a clear need for a publication that encompasses all branches of industry.... The idea sounds very interesting. There is no such publication available on the market..." —Dr. Hunger, formerly Hoechst AG (specialist in the pigments industry)

"So far formulation is 'an art' based mainly on experience. Every contribution dealing with formulation is of importance." —Professor Sommer, TU Munchen (Institute for chemical process engineering)

"...I regard the author as highly qualified." —Dr. Collin, DECHEMA

Further positive feedback as far as the need for such a publication, the planned table of contents and the reputation of the author is concerned, comes from Dr. Wegner, Bayer AG, Research and Development - Pharmaceuticals, Dr. Borho, BASF AG

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